Development of new adiabatic cooling panels prototype for ensuring durability and energy efficiency of cooling equipment, No.

The basic task of the project is to develop a new prototype of adiabatic cooling panels with the aim of significantly increasing air conditioning and cooling equipment with a capacity of 100 – 300 kW efficiency. The development of the prototype and the technological solution, which will be incorporated into cooling equipment, will significantly increase their productivity, energy efficiency and sustainability, as well as promote the use of a more environmentally friendly solution and significantly reduce the amount of CO2 emissions generated within air cooling processes.


In the reporting period 01.07.2023. – 28.08.2023 the prototype of the adiabatic device was created, the test chamber for the prototype of the adiabatic device was made, the tests were completed under real-time simulation conditions. A theoretical model has been developed in the IDA-ICE software, as well as a description of the model has been prepared. The performance of the prototype has been verified by tests in real conditions.


The basic task of the project is to develop a new prototype of adiabatic cooling panels with the aim of significantly increasing air conditioning and cooling equipment with a capacity of 100 – 300 kW

efficiency. The development of the prototype and the technological solution, which will be incorporated into cooling equipment, will significantly increase their productivity, energy efficiency and sustainability, as well as promote the use of a more environmentally friendly solution and significantly reduce the amount of CO2 emissions generated within air cooling processes.

Work continues on the project activity – Experimental development (EI), which includes the following sub-activities: prototype development; making a test chamber; conducting tests under real-time simulation conditions.

Work has begun on the preparation of a scientific publication on the results of the simulation of test chamber elements.


During the reporting period, the work on the development of the prototype continues, the evaluation of individual components of the prototype based on the results of CFD simulation is carried out.





During the reporting period, work on the production of the test chamber continues. Conducted testing of test chamber elements under simulation conditions.

As a result of the simulation, the technical parameters of the components of the adiabatic cooling panel and the air handling tunnel (test chamber) were determined to ensure obtaining the result of the full-value test scenario in the test procedures.


Technical parameters of the adiabatic cooling panel and air handling tunnel (test chamber) components


* information provided only for visualization, without designations, etc., as one of the results of the project is a patent application



31.12.2022 – Development of a new adiabatic system PRO 30

Project Name: Development of a New Prototype of Adiabatic Precooling Panels for Sustainability and Energy Efficiency of Refrigeration Equipment

Project contract number:

Project completed in the period 31.12.2022. – 31.03.2023.

Project implementer: SIA Blue Energy Global and cooperation partners Riga Technical University and Central Finance and Contracts Agency.

Work continues on the project activity – Experimental

development (EI), which includes the following sub-activities: prototyping; test chamber manufacturing; conducting tests under real-time simulation conditions.


During the reporting period, work on the development of the prototype continues. Specialists were engaged for the construction of the equipment prototype, equipment and tools were purchased for the construction needs. A price survey for the procurement of materials is in process. During the period, tests of individual elements of the prototype and solutions for improving cooling are carried out, which will increase the productivity of the equipment.


During the reporting period, work on the production of the test chamber continues. Testing of the elements of the test chamber is carried out to ensure obtaining a full-value result of the test scenario in the test procedures. A price survey for the procurement of materials for the construction of the test chamber is in process.

31.12.2022 – The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.09.2022 – 31.12.2022.

Project implementer: SIA Blue Energy Global and cooperation partners Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.


Work continues on the project activity – Experimental

development (EI), which includes the following sub-activities: prototype development; making a test chamber; conducting tests under real-time simulation conditions.



During the reporting period, work on the development of the prototype continues. Created a test scenario for creating a prototype of a new adiabatic panel; developed visual prototype concept.

In the next periods, prototype development and solutions for improving cooling will be carried out, which will increase the productivity of the equipment.



During the reporting period, work on the production of the test chamber continues. The following were performed: selection and testing of test chamber components, automation and sensors (for ensuring the intended temperature and relative humidity content); selection and testing of shut-off valves appropriate for the test chamber; electric heater testing and supply air temperature control device development.

The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.03.2022. – 01.09.2022:

Project implementer: SIA Blue Energy Global and cooperation partners Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

After the successful conclusion of the design process in the creation of the PRO 30 prototype and the creation of the Test Chamber, the company starts procurement procedures in order to create the first prototype for the PRO 30 adiabatic equipment in the company.

In order to be able to test the equipment in simulated climatic conditions, a Test Chamber will also be created within the project

For testing adiabatic equipment.

The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.03.2022. – 01.06.2022:

Project implementer: SIA Blue Energy Global and cooperation partners Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

We have dedicated the first quarter of 2022 to developing engineering solutions with the Smart Cooling™ technical staff and the concepts are now being transformed into geometric schemes. We expect to bring the first prototypes into production already this year.

Belgrade, Serbia– Smart Cooling™ supplies SBB TELEPARK Data center with the newest generation in adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

ENEL PS implemented the first DCIM in Serbia in cooperation with its partner, Schneider Electric. Modern data centers are designed and built according to modern international standards, represent the basic infrastructural facilities for the accommodation of IT equipment technological users. The new data center SBB in Belgrade meets Tier III standards of reliability data centers which guarantees service availability of 99.98%.

ENEL PS has chosen the Smart Cooling™ technology to improve the company’s energy efficiency, reduce electricity consumption and protect the condensers of its for air-cooled chillers. Savings are estimated to reach 34%.The return on investment for the project is estimated in only 17 months.

Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand and the world leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Chiller manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, Johnson Controls, Daikin, and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency. Smart Cooling™ is built from the highest-grade materials and is the safest adiabatic technology available in the market.

Dubai, UAE – Smart Cooling™ supplies TECOM with the newest generation in adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

TECOM Group is part of the UAE government-owned conglomerate, Dubai Holding. It is a strategic business enabler that contributes to the realization of Dubai’s economic aspirations through the creation of sector-focused business communities and work environments that provide innovative ecosystems. TECOM has chosen the Smart Cooling™ technology to improve the company’s energy efficiency, reduce electricity consumption and protect the condensers of its for air-cooled chillers. Dozens of York YVAA chillers will be upgraded as well as Carrier and Trane chillers. The return on investment for the project is estimated in only 2 years.

Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand and the world leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Chiller manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, Johnson Controls, Daikin, and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency. Smart Cooling™ is built from the highest-grade materials and is the safest adiabatic technology available in the market.

The new generation adiabatic Smart Cooling™ system boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring total condenser protection.

The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.12.2021. – 01.03.2022:

Project implementer: SIA Blue Energy Global and cooperation partners Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

We dedicated the ending of 2021 and the early 2022 to the completion of the new adiabatic technology and the development of the new product

into the next phase of product design.

We are rapidly approaching the development of a prototype.

Limbiate , Italy – Smart Cooling™ supplies TIM Group, leader in mobile and cloud infrastructures and data centers with the newest generation in adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

TIM is a leading ICT group in Italy and Brazil, providing fixed, mobile and cloud infrastructure, as well as data centers and services and products for communications and entertainment, placing itself at the forefront of digital technologies. TIM specializes in integrated digital solutions for citizens, businesses and public administration.

TIM has chosen Smart Cooling™ to increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption of chillers in the company’s manufacturing site. The estimated savings for five heat seasons is calculated at kW/h 272,520 and the return on investment of just 7 months.

Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand and the world leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Chiller manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, Johnson Controls, Daikin, and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and its products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency.

The new generation adiabatic Smart Cooling™ system boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring total condenser protection.


Barcelona, Spain – Smart Cooling™ supplies tech giant Hewlett-Packard with the newest generation in adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

HP launched its 3D Printing and Digital Manufacturing Center of Excellence in Barcelona in 2019. The campus is one largest and most advanced research and development facilities for 3D printing and additive manufacturing in the world.

The new center brings together hundreds of additive manufacturing experts in more than 150,000 square feet of innovation space – about the size of three football fields. HP has chosen the Smart Cooling™ technology to improve the company’s energy efficiency, reduce electricity consumption in the cooling of large areas, and protect the cooling equipment’s condensers. Savings are estimated to reach EUR 34,158 in one year, with a return on investment of 1.9 year.
Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand and the world leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Chiller manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, Johnson Controls, Daikin, and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency. Smart Cooling™ is built from the highest-grade materials and is the safest adiabatic technology available in the market.

The new generation adiabatic Smart Cooling™ system boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring total condenser protection.

The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.09.2021. – 30.11.2021:

Project implementer: SIA “Blue Energy Global” and as a cooperation partner with Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

The development of Smart Cooling’s latest adiabatic cooling device is progressing rapidly.
Procurement for materials and software required in live-testing are currently being carried out and our team continues to work to ensure the release of a prototype already in 2022.


The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.06.2021. – 31.08.2021:

Project implementer: SIA “Blue Energy Global” and as a cooperation partner with Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

In order to test the developed technologies in real conditions, material analyzes, supplier analysis, procurement documentation are prepared and procurements are announced.

In the near future, the industrialization phase of the equipment will start in the project.



The development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.03.2021. – 31.05.2021:

Project implementer: SIA “Blue Energy Global” and as a cooperation partner with Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.


Building their knowledge base from real-world testing data sets, the Smart CoolingTM team, in collaboration with RTU scientists, is currently developing the new generation of adiabatic equipment technology.



Joint research published on the PRO 30 adiabatic system

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01/12/2020 – 01/03/2021

Project implementer: SIA “Blue Energy Global” in cooperation with Riga Technical University and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency of Latvia.


Smart Cooling, in cooperation with Riga Technical University and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency of Latvia, have carried out research on the adiabatic market, performing a range of measurement activities of climatic conditions and their impact on the effectiveness of adiabatic technologies in different geographical locations.

The findings derived from the analysis of the collected data will allow Smart Cooling engineers and researchers to enhance the existing technology of adiabatic systems.

Smart Cooling already stand at the forefront of adiabatic cooling technologies with the Pro 30 model.


Starting the development of new adiabatic system PRO 30.

Project title: Development of a new prototype of adiabatic pre-cooling panels to ensure the sustainability and energy efficiency of refrigeration equipment

Project agreement number:

Achievements of the project in the period 01.09.2020. – 30.11.2020:

Project implementer: SIA “Blue Energy Global” and as a cooperation partner with Riga Technical University and The Central Finance and Contracting Agency.

During the reporting period, the necessary administrative work was performed to start the project implementation – employment contracts were concluded with the staff involved in the project, the purchase of the necessary materials were identified, etc., as well as the implementation of the project, planned activities were started. Within the framework of the activities:

Analysis of technological solutions and structural elements of adiabatic panel improvement: efficient water supply to the adiabatic panel – various water spraying models, critical properties of sprinklers were considered, comparison of various sprinkler parameters was performed.

Development of the new adiabatic panel technology: a review of similar technologies and methods was performed, a study of the existing situation regarding adiabatic cooling, a review of the literature, an analysis of the performance parameters of equivalent systems.

We consider the device to be the future of adiabatic cooling.


Smart Cooling™ has supplied PepsiCo, the global leader in soft drinks and mineral water, with the newest generation in adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

Israel – Smart Cooling™ has supplied PepsiCo, the global leader in soft drinks and mineral water, with the newest adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

PepsiCo, a leading Fortune 500 company employing a quarter of a million staff, has a vision to be a leader in sustainable production under the Winning with Purpose program. Smart Cooling™ has helped large organizations such as PepsiCo achieve their sustainability and energy efficiency targets by boosting their cooling capacity and reducing their electricity consumption.

Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand, based in Switzerland and leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, York, Daikin, Clint and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency.

The new generation adiabatic Smart Cooling™ system boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring total condenser protection.

Paris – Smart Cooling™ has supplied France’s Orange S.A, one of the world’s largest data service operators, with the latest adiabatic pre-cooling technology: the chiller booster PRO 10 system.

This important project helped Orange reduce electricity consumption, not only lowering costs but also supporting them achieve energy efficiency targets. Smart Cooling™ is trusted by many large organizations – Orange operates in 26 countries – as Smart Cooling™ has a proven track-record of delivering results, chronicled by dozens of case studies and testimonials of satisfied customers.

Smart Cooling™ is a Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies brand, based in Switzerland and leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, York, Daikin, Clint and others widely use Smart Cooling™ technology and products to boost chiller capacity, reduce electricity consumption and improve energy efficiency.

The new generation adiabatic Smart Cooling™ system boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring total condenser protection.

Smart Cooling™ has supplied New generation adiabatic pre-cooling chiller booster PRO 10 systems for EMPOWER, the world’s largest district cooling company.

Smart Cooling™ has supplied New generation adiabatic pre-cooling chiller booster PRO 10 systems for EMPOWER, the world’s largest district cooling company serving more than 45,000 customers, with over 70% market share in the UAE.

With a total cooling capacity of 3 MW, the facility has been equipped with Trane and Carrier chillers, which began operations in July 2019, providing energy efficiency improvements to Studio City Dubai. Smart Cooling™ continues to equip new chillers with the new generation adiabatic pre-cooling chiller booster system PRO 10 in partnership with EMPOWER. Project ROI 7 months according to the test report.

Smart Cooling™ is one of the brands of company “Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies” based in Switzerland – a leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, York, Daikin, Clint and others have widely used Smart Cooling™ technology and products to improve chiller efficiency. We remind you that Smart Cooling™ new generation intelligent adiabatic chiller booster boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring condenser protection.

Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies AG are pleased to announce that from April 9, 2019, the new intelligent Smart Cooling™ chiller booster PRO 10 is available on the market.

After 3 years of development, the new chiller booster model is updated by a series of improvements that will bring significant improvements to chillers. Pro 10 improves chiller efficiency by reducing energy consumption by up to 37% and increases chiller capacity by up to 41%.

The new chiller booster model Pro 10 is updated with new software that allows chiller adiabatic system to analyze chiller load, intake air temperature, and humidity. In addition, Pro 10 is equipped with recirculation of used water, which is returned to the adiabatic system. The water recirculation function provides very important water and energy savings. Pro 10 is also equipped with water purification option, mineral descaling, water sterilization from bacteria and 5-stage water filtration equipment.

Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies AG invites all HVAC experts and HVAC engineers to cooperate.

Smart Cooling™ has started operating in Saudi Arabia (KSA).

We are pleased to announce that Smart Cooling™ has started operating in Saudi Arabia (KSA). In 2019, the first Smart Cooling™ equipment will be delivered to this country. Saudi Arabia is one of the hottest and driest regions in the world, so Smart Cooling™ equipment is especially important for the effective functioning of chillers in such weather conditions.

Smart Cooling™ is one of the brands of the company “Swiss Integrated Energy Technologies” based in Switzerland – a leader in adiabatic pre-cooling technologies. Manufacturers such as Carrier, Trane, York, Daikin, Clint, and others have widely used Smart Cooling™ technology and products to improve chiller efficiency. We remind you that Smart Cooling™ new generation intelligent adiabatic chiller booster boosts chiller efficiency by up to 41% while ensuring condenser protection.

New generation adiabatic pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™ with Carrier chiller.

Now Carrier chillers with the New intelligent adiabatic pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™ can provide the best performance with the highest chiller efficiency also in critical ambient air temperatures + 55C. 100% condenser protection with adiabatic membranes ‘Blue protect’.

The highest evaporation efficiency, energy and water savings with the intelligent controller Pro1. Partner: Carrier AHI Greece, Customer: RodesAir, Greece, Rhodes, Project: Gennadi resort, Greece, Rhodes.

The largest chiller retrofit and energy saving project in United Arab Emirates, Dubai, Al Wasl.

Smart Cooling™ was chosen  Etihad Building Retrofit Project for Wasl Properties. Smart Cooling™ and Gerab Energy Systems LLC will implement new generation adiabatic pre-cooling devices on 24 different air-cooled chillers across different Wasl Properties buildings.

”Etihad Energy Services Company (Etihad ESCO), a company owned by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA), has started a project to retrofit 243 buildings for Wasl Properties in different parts of Dubai. The project will increase energy efficiency of the building, achieving annual savings of over AED15 million as a result of upgrading the air conditioning and lighting systems. The project, worth AED69 million..”

Smart Cooling™ team is very proud about UAE Local partner success and achievement.

Recommendation letter.

For more than 40 years the company Blygold provides anti-corrosion coatings and inspections for cooling systems, condensers and heat exchangers. Blygold is the market leader with representative offices in 54 countries.

After 3 years of operating the intelligent adiabatic pre-cooling system SMART COOLING at the Philip Morris International factory in Italy Bologna, we performed the assessment of the SMART COOLING adiabatic system and expertise of the chiller condensers.

Blygold inspected the chiller condensers in order to determine whether the condensers showed any additional signs of corrosion or scaling after 3 years of active operation of the intelligent adiabatic pre-cooling system SMART COOLING.

The expertise conducted by Blygold specialists in the year of 2015 did not identify any signs of corrosion and scaling of the condenser.

The SMART COOLING adiabatic membranes (pre-filters) ensure protection of the condenser against direct contact with water drops.

Blygold advises to use condenser protection with Polual XT in combination with SMART COOLING system in aggressive environments.

The Installation and activation of SMART COOLING was done in the year of 2012.

Based on the measured expertise results, Blygold encourages the SMART COOLING pre-cooling system for the use on heat exchange in the condensers. The SMART COOLING system improve the efficiency of the cooling system, without subjecting those to risks of corrosion or scaling.

President of Blygold-Berlin Germany

René Kümmer

15. May 2016

12 intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system units Smart Cooling™ BY 70

12 intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system units Smart Cooling™ BY 70 with the latest generation operating system (PRO 1) have been delivered and installed in Phillip Morris factories. For a total of 12 chillers, Smart Cooling™ boosts efficiency from 21% to 37%. Data is approved by the Energy Efficiency Supervisor monitoring results. Smart Cooling™ units delivered to Phillip Morris International factories in Italy, Portugal, Ukraine provide 812,200 KW energy saving per year and reduction of CO2 emission 1112470 LBS per year.

AHI CARRIER in Greece, in partnership with Smart Cooling™

AHI CARRIER in Greece, in partnership with Smart Cooling™ provides new intelligent adiabatic pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™ to clients. 4 latest Carrier cooler models Quietor ZFD50 EVI TW – GQL were equipped with new Smart Cooling™ system to increase the efficiency of the chillers, reduce energy consumption. We are pleased that one of the world’s largest cooling equipment leaders trusts Smart Cooling™ and uses our new intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling systems.

Test report about Smart Cooling™ from ‘Vodafone’.

One of the world’s leading telecommunications companies, ‘Vodafone’, is giving its opinion on energy savings with Smart Cooling™ Intelligent Adiabatic Evaporative Pre-Cooling System.

Cooling equipment is one of the largest energy consumers in the maintenance of ‘Vodafone’ servers. Company ‘Vodafone’ by using Smart Cooling™ implements energy-saving projects.

Mars factory in Hungary use Intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™.

Mars factory in Hungary use the Intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™.
In September 2017, 2 sets of Smart Cooling™ PRO 1 have been delivered to Mars Hungary and installed.
Two cooling units, air-cooled water chillers with a cooling capacity of 1,7 MW/h, were equipped with the Intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™, which increase chiller cooling capacity and reduce energy consumption, thus achieving energy savings.

Hotel Novotel & Ibis UAE, Fujeirah city, reduces energy consumption by 26% by using Intelligent Smart Cooling™.

Hotel Novotel & Ibis UAE, Fujeirah city, reduces energy consumption by 26% by using the Intelligent adiabatic evaporative pre-cooling system Smart Cooling™.

Starting from September 2017 Smart Cooling™ saves 1,6 MW/h per day. During the Project 6 sets of ‘Smart Cooling™’ PRO 1 have been installed.

We are grateful to all the cooperation partners for cooperation. This is one of many examples of how important it is to implement energy-saving policies for each company.